So I have met quite a few people that just are not splitting their days well.
For example; If someone is only coming to the gym 3 days a week, (which is common), and are doing one day legs & shoulders, one day back & biceps, and one day chest & triceps,... They are going to struggle getting to their goals. Now some muscle groups you can still gain results exercising once a week if you are working them the way you should be, but all the smaller muscles, like your biceps and triceps, shoulders, calfs, etc., need to be worked more often. So if 3 days is really all a person can, or wants to make to the gym per week, they need to make sure their workouts are efficient for them. I see some "bigger" people wanting to lose a lot of body fat/ weight, and I see them only doing focusing exercises. Or, trying to copy what they did in high school football over a decade ago. For them, your goal now is to shrink, your goal back then was to get big, so why are you trying to train the same? For endurance athletes, or anyone trying to lean out, 3 days a week I would stick with circuit training. And with that there are plenty of different programs and routines to keep things fun. Kettle Bells are awesome, if you know nothing about, ask a trainer who does to show you some basic lifts you could safely do on your own, TRX bands, ropes, proprioceptive exercises that take not just muscular contraction, but coordination and/or stability to exercise the mind to muscle connection.
If a person does want to put a little muscle on, not looking to build crazy endurance, a good 3 day option for them would be one day lower, one day upper body, and one day full body. You get more of a muscle split to focus more on breaking down the muscle fibers to promote hypertrophy, and the full body ads a second workout for all your muscle groups.
Now the 3 day split was one example, bottom line, look at what your goals are, and the number of days you can spend in the gym. Make sure you are fitting in a balanced program towards your goals in those days. If you are having trouble, ask one of the trainers on staff, or messege me and we will figure out the best and most efficient schedule for you.
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